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Stream/Download/Discussion: So you Stink You Can Dance

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Music Spotlight: Littlest Pet Shop (Happy Hardcore Remix) by MRPPony

MRPPony had made another Littlest Pet Shop song before the first one we posted and I didn't know that. I'm giving MRPPony a special post just for him. (I'm assuming the person is a male. Hopefully they correct me if I'm wrong.)

Song after the Break!


  1. Lol just now finding out how to post.
    I got your PM and figured to post here saying thanks so much! Glad to see someone legitimately like my music and its honestly what keeps me going.

    And yeah you're right, I'm male.
    -deepens voice-
    I'm all man, bro! Do you even coughliftcough?

    1. That reply wasn't Festerio. That was me. I forgot to log him out.

  2. Yeah, bro. I lift game controllers and electronic devices, bro!
