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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Desktop Zoe Trent

So, apparently, there are such things as desktop pets now. (Or at least there will be.) [Zoe is the only one as of this post.] {WARNING: THEY DO MULTIPLY RANDOMLY}

You can get this amazing desktop Zoe Trent by clicking here.

More after the break!

WARRIORCATZROCK has made a thing called a Shimeji for Zoe Trent. Basically, a Shimeji is a desktop character maker. It is a group of edible mushrooms native to East Asia too.

This amazing Deviant Art user plans to make more of these for the other pets. These are words from the description on the page I saw this desktop pet at.
"This is my first shimeji and the first time I drew Zoe Trent with Gimp so it's not good or anything, but hey I tried. This took me about a week to make, but it was fun. I want to do Pepper or Russell next."


  1. Lol oh goodness. Now my desktop is filled with Derpy and Zoe. So much 'daw' on two monitors >_<

  2. I'm the person who created this shimeji and I cannot thank you enough for posting this here!<3 I'm working on a Pepper Clark shimeji now.

    1. You are so welcome. It makes me really happy to know that I brought happiness to someone with this blog. I hope to do that more. I'll be sure to post any new Shimeji pet stuff on here. Just submit it to or send it to me personally to I'll try my best to do this for you.

  3. I think it's fun trowing her around... god, that sounds wrong out of context...
